Weekly Shaarli
Week 22 (May 27, 2024)
# Set the input and output directories
# Check if the output directory exists; if not, create it
if [ ! -d "$output_dir" ]; then
mkdir -p "$output_dir"
# Loop through all PDF files in the input directory
for pdf_file in "$input_dir"/*.pdf; do
if [ -f "$pdf_file" ]; then
# Get the base filename without the extension
base_name=$(basename "$pdf_file" .pdf)
# Convert the PDF file to JPG format
convert -density 300 "$pdf_file" "$output_dir/${base_name}.jpg"
echo "Converted $pdf_file to ${base_name}.jpg"
echo "Conversion completed."
By default, when the Docker daemon terminates, it shuts down running containers. You can configure the daemon so that containers remain running if the daemon becomes unavailable. This functionality is called live restore. The live restore option helps reduce container downtime due to daemon crashes, planned outages, or upgrades.
"live-restore": true
Intéressant sur la partie batterie.
Et code à regarder pour la partie deepsleep.
Un indice de la qualité de l'air accessible sur tout le territoire
GitHub - jmcollin78/versatile_thermostat: A full featured Thermostat for Home Assistant: presets, window, motion, presence and overpowering management
Ca a l'air intéressant mais à voir si ça correspond.