Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

December, 2022

Faster. Better. More focused. Reading. - Le Hollandais Volant - Liens en vrac de sebsauvage

Technique pour accélérer la lecture.
Je ne sais pas vraiment quoi en penser, je le mets ici plus pour garder une trace.

Pairing not possible with custom firefox sync server · Issue #7241 · mozilla-mobile/firefox-ios

scroll to the ‘about’ section and tap on the Version number 5 times (This will enable debug mode)
scroll back to the top and sign out of the Mozilla account (if needed), then navigate to Advanced settings and set the server urls:

FxA url:
Token server: https://server_url

Go back to main settings and connect account, scan QR code, and have totp code ready to enter quickly (too slow and the ios app will terminate connection)