Daily Shaarli

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2019 M12 15

Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum - Home Assistant

Pour récupérer le token de votre aspirateur Xiaomi.

APK dispo ici et miroir ici.

Android (not rooted)

If using an Android device to retrieve the Access Token only v5.4.49 of Mi Home is confirmed working (December 2019).

To begin, set up your Robovac with the latest version of Mi Home on your primary Android device as you normally would.
If your Robovac is already set up, you must reset its WiFi settings for it to get a new token.
Using v5.4.49 of Mi Home locate a text file under the Smarthome/logs folder where the 32 character token is stored.
There will likely be several text files in this directory, search all of them for the word ‘token’ and you should find it there. Be advised that the latest version of Mi Home does not store the token in clear text.

Edit 2021-03-12
Sinon, il y a plus simple avec cette méthode.

Et le token est à modifier dans ce fichier: .storage/core.config_entries.

btrfs [Wiki de sebsauvage.net]

On m'en avait déjà dit du bien, à tester un de ces jours :)